I will see any dog that needs my attention doesn't matter what breed they are or what their role in life is. I currently see dogs that are pets ranging from young to senior, show dogs, agility dogs and flyball dogs. I find that because I compete in both agility and flyball when a dog comes to me presenting with an injury or an issue such as missing weave entries, not jumping correctly or their box work has gone bad in flyball I know which area of their body I need to be concentrating on.
Some owners come to me because they have noticed that their dog is just not the same and they seem to be unhappy. They may struggle jumping in and out of the car or even doing their normal walk, they may show signs of limping and generally feel old before their time.
Most of my work involves working with soft tissue injuries such as repetitive strains, sprains to ligaments and tendons, they may need scar tissue remodelling due to an old injury or they might just need a thorough deep massage to areas of compensation when they have sustained an injury for a while. Some have orthopaedic conditions such as hip dysplasia and many have osteoarthritis.
I aim to improve you dogs wellbeing and overall health and enhance their performance whether in the show ring, obedience or a physical sport such as agility, flyball, sheepdog trialing or working trials. If massage does not work for your dog and I feel they are not benifitting or improving I will
suggest you go back to your vet.
Before I can treat your dog I will need to obtain Veterinary consent. Manchester Canine Massage Therapy acknowledges the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and Exemption Order 1962 by NEVER working upon an animal without gaining prior veterinary approval.
Some owners come to me because they have noticed that their dog is just not the same and they seem to be unhappy. They may struggle jumping in and out of the car or even doing their normal walk, they may show signs of limping and generally feel old before their time.
Most of my work involves working with soft tissue injuries such as repetitive strains, sprains to ligaments and tendons, they may need scar tissue remodelling due to an old injury or they might just need a thorough deep massage to areas of compensation when they have sustained an injury for a while. Some have orthopaedic conditions such as hip dysplasia and many have osteoarthritis.
I aim to improve you dogs wellbeing and overall health and enhance their performance whether in the show ring, obedience or a physical sport such as agility, flyball, sheepdog trialing or working trials. If massage does not work for your dog and I feel they are not benifitting or improving I will
suggest you go back to your vet.
Before I can treat your dog I will need to obtain Veterinary consent. Manchester Canine Massage Therapy acknowledges the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and Exemption Order 1962 by NEVER working upon an animal without gaining prior veterinary approval.